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2011年10月22日    硕博招聘网

Columbia Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship : New York, NY 10027
Employer: Columbia University
Website: http://www.columbia.edu/cu/e3b/
Location: New York, NY 10027
Type: Postdoctoral
Posted: October 18, 2011
Expires: December 15, 2011

job description

Columbia University in the City of New York invites applications for the new Columbia Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Natural Sciences. The program seeks to bring exceptional scientists of outstanding potential to Columbia University to produce high-quality and visible research. In this inaugural year the Faculty of Arts and Sciences is pleased to search for outstanding candidates from the fields of Astronomy/Astrophysics and Global Change Biology, to begin the Fellowship between July and September 2012. This two-year fellowship may be renewable for a third year based on the usual standards of satisfactory performance and contingent on the availability of funding. The Fellow will hold the rank of postdoctoral research scientist in either the Department of Astronomy or the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology (E3B). A competitive annual salary will be supplemented by funding to support travel and research.

The astronomy/astrophysics community at Columbia includes the Astronomy Department (http://www.astro.columbia.edu), as well as scientists in the Physics Department, at Barnard College, and at the nearby American Museum of Natural History, with broad research interests that include include exo-planets, stellar astrophysics, compact objects, high energy astrophysics, galaxy formation and evolution, the interstellar and intergalactic medium, gravitational wave astrophysics, the high-redshift universe, large-scales structures, and cosmology. Applications in all areas of astrophysics and astronomy will be considered: the primary selection criterion will be the candidate’s exceptional promise to produce high-quality and visible research. Accordingly the research statement included with the application should highlight prior research accomplishments as well as outline future plans. Candidates must have a PhD in Astronomy, Physics or equivalent by the date of appointment. The Fellow will be expected to pursue a vigorous research agenda and to participate actively in the intellectual life of the Department.

In the field of Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology (http://www.columbia.edu/cu/e3b/) applications are welcome from exceptional young scientists studying critical issues in global change biology such as effects of global changes in climate and land use on species, communities and ecosystems. The Fellow is expected to conduct a research project in collaboration with at least two faculty members at E3B and to interact with colleagues working on global change issues in other research clusters at Columbia. Accordingly, the research proposal
included with the application should emphasize future plans. Preference will be given to candidates who combine tools and approaches from disparate disciplines in their research. Ph.D required by the time of appointment.

For consideration please provide a curriculum vitae, cover letter, three-page statement of research, and arrange for three letters of reference. All applications must be made through Columbia’s online site:

Deadline for applications is December 15, 2011. Columbia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.

Don’t forget to mention Naturejobs when applying.


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